最近有关于高斯神经网络(NNS)的大宽度特性的文献,即,其权重根据高斯分布分布。两个流行的问题是:i)研究NNS的大宽度行为,这些行为在高斯工艺方面提供了无限宽的限制的表征; ii)对NNS的大宽度训练动力学的研究,该动力在训练后NN和执行核回归之间具有等效性,并以确定性核为确定性内核,称为神经切线核(NTK)。在本文中,我们考虑了$ \ alpha $ stable NNS的这些问题,通过假设NN的权重分配为$ \ alpha $ - 稳定分布,它通过$ \ alpha \ in(0,2] $,概括了Gaussian nns。即带有沉重的尾巴的分布。对于带有relu激活功能的浅$ \ alpha $ stable nns,我们表明,如果NN的宽度转移到无穷大,那么重新缩放的NN弱收敛到$ \ alpha $ stable的过程,即随机的过程具有$ \ alpha $稳定的有限维分布的过程。作为高斯设置的新颖性,在$ \ alpha $稳定的设置中,激活功能的选择会影响NN的缩放,即:实现无限宽的$ \ alpha $稳定过程,relu功能需要相对于子线性函数进行附加的对数缩放。那么,我们的主要贡献是对浅的$ \ alpha $ stable relu-nns的NTK分析,这是领导的在训练恢复的NN和执行内核回归机智之间具有等效性h $(\ alpha/2)$ - 稳定的随机内核。这种内核的随机性是相对于高斯环境的进一步新颖性,即:在$ \ alpha $稳定性中,初始化时NN的随机性在NTK分析中不会消失,从而诱导了分布的分布基础内核回归的内核。
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在现代深度学习中,最近又越来越多的文献,关于深高斯神经网络(NNS)的大宽度渐近性能之间的相互作用,即具有高斯分布重量的深NNS和高斯随机过程(SPS)。事实证明,这种相互作用在高斯SP先验下的贝叶斯推论中至关重要,对通过梯度下降训练的无限宽的深NN的内核回归以及无限宽的NN中的信息传播。通过经验分析的激励,该经验分析表明了用稳定的NN重量代替高斯分布的潜力,在本文中,我们对(完全连接的)进料深度稳定NN的大差异行为进行了严格的分析,即深NNS,即具有稳定的分布重量。我们表明,随着宽度共同在NN的层上共同进入无限,即``关节生长''的设置,重新缩放的深稳定nn弱收敛到稳定的SP,其分布通过NN的层递归地表征。 NN的三角结构,这是一个非标准的渐近问题,我们提出了一种独立利益的感应方法。然后,我们在````''''下建立了对稳定的SP的Sup-Norm收敛速率,``关节增长和``顺序增长''的宽度在NN的层上。这样的结果提供了'关节增长'和``顺序增长''的差异,表明前者的速率比速度慢。后者根据层的深度和NN的投入数量。我们的工作扩展了有关深gaussian nns无限宽限制的一些最新结果,以至于更通用的深稳定稳定性NNS,这是第一个结果,这是对融合率的第一个结果。``联合增长''环境。
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This paper presents a construction of a proper and stable labelled sample compression scheme of size $O(\VCD^2)$ for any finite concept class, where $\VCD$ denotes the Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension. The construction is based on a well-known model of machine teaching, referred to as recursive teaching dimension. This substantially improves on the currently best known bound on the size of sample compression schemes (due to Moran and Yehudayoff), which is exponential in $\VCD$. The long-standing open question whether the smallest size of a sample compression scheme is in $O(\VCD)$ remains unresolved, but our results show that research on machine teaching is a promising avenue for the study of this open problem. As further evidence of the strong connections between machine teaching and sample compression, we prove that the model of no-clash teaching, introduced by Kirkpatrick et al., can be used to define a non-trivial lower bound on the size of stable sample compression schemes.
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Unsupervised object discovery aims to localize objects in images, while removing the dependence on annotations required by most deep learning-based methods. To address this problem, we propose a fully unsupervised, bottom-up approach, for multiple objects discovery. The proposed approach is a two-stage framework. First, instances of object parts are segmented by using the intra-image similarity between self-supervised local features. The second step merges and filters the object parts to form complete object instances. The latter is performed by two CNN models that capture semantic information on objects from the entire dataset. We demonstrate that the pseudo-labels generated by our method provide a better precision-recall trade-off than existing single and multiple objects discovery methods. In particular, we provide state-of-the-art results for both unsupervised class-agnostic object detection and unsupervised image segmentation.
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Social insects such as ants communicate via pheromones which allows them to coordinate their activity and solve complex tasks as a swarm, e.g. foraging for food. This behaviour was shaped through evolutionary processes. In computational models, self-coordination in swarms has been implemented using probabilistic or action rules to shape the decision of each agent and the collective behaviour. However, manual tuned decision rules may limit the behaviour of the swarm. In this work we investigate the emergence of self-coordination and communication in evolved swarms without defining any rule. We evolve a swarm of agents representing an ant colony. We use a genetic algorithm to optimize a spiking neural network (SNN) which serves as an artificial brain to control the behaviour of each agent. The goal of the colony is to find optimal ways to forage for food in the shortest amount of time. In the evolutionary phase, the ants are able to learn to collaborate by depositing pheromone near food piles and near the nest to guide its cohorts. The pheromone usage is not encoded into the network; instead, this behaviour is established through the optimization procedure. We observe that pheromone-based communication enables the ants to perform better in comparison to colonies where communication did not emerge. We assess the foraging performance by comparing the SNN based model to a rule based system. Our results show that the SNN based model can complete the foraging task more efficiently in a shorter time. Our approach illustrates that even in the absence of pre-defined rules, self coordination via pheromone emerges as a result of the network optimization. This work serves as a proof of concept for the possibility of creating complex applications utilizing SNNs as underlying architectures for multi-agent interactions where communication and self-coordination is desired.
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Traffic forecasting has attracted widespread attention recently. In reality, traffic data usually contains missing values due to sensor or communication errors. The Spatio-temporal feature in traffic data brings more challenges for processing such missing values, for which the classic techniques (e.g., data imputations) are limited: 1) in temporal axis, the values can be randomly or consecutively missing; 2) in spatial axis, the missing values can happen on one single sensor or on multiple sensors simultaneously. Recent models powered by Graph Neural Networks achieved satisfying performance on traffic forecasting tasks. However, few of them are applicable to such a complex missing-value context. To this end, we propose GCN-M, a Graph Convolutional Network model with the ability to handle the complex missing values in the Spatio-temporal context. Particularly, we jointly model the missing value processing and traffic forecasting tasks, considering both local Spatio-temporal features and global historical patterns in an attention-based memory network. We propose as well a dynamic graph learning module based on the learned local-global features. The experimental results on real-life datasets show the reliability of our proposed method.
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Motion prediction systems aim to capture the future behavior of traffic scenarios enabling autonomous vehicles to perform safe and efficient planning. The evolution of these scenarios is highly uncertain and depends on the interactions of agents with static and dynamic objects in the scene. GNN-based approaches have recently gained attention as they are well suited to naturally model these interactions. However, one of the main challenges that remains unexplored is how to address the complexity and opacity of these models in order to deal with the transparency requirements for autonomous driving systems, which includes aspects such as interpretability and explainability. In this work, we aim to improve the explainability of motion prediction systems by using different approaches. First, we propose a new Explainable Heterogeneous Graph-based Policy (XHGP) model based on an heterograph representation of the traffic scene and lane-graph traversals, which learns interaction behaviors using object-level and type-level attention. This learned attention provides information about the most important agents and interactions in the scene. Second, we explore this same idea with the explanations provided by GNNExplainer. Third, we apply counterfactual reasoning to provide explanations of selected individual scenarios by exploring the sensitivity of the trained model to changes made to the input data, i.e., masking some elements of the scene, modifying trajectories, and adding or removing dynamic agents. The explainability analysis provided in this paper is a first step towards more transparent and reliable motion prediction systems, important from the perspective of the user, developers and regulatory agencies. The code to reproduce this work is publicly available at https://github.com/sancarlim/Explainable-MP/tree/v1.1.
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Ensuring safety is of paramount importance in physical human-robot interaction applications. This requires both an adherence to safety constraints defined on the system state, as well as guaranteeing compliant behaviour of the robot. If the underlying dynamical system is known exactly, the former can be addressed with the help of control barrier functions. Incorporation of elastic actuators in the robot's mechanical design can address the latter requirement. However, this elasticity can increase the complexity of the resulting system, leading to unmodeled dynamics, such that control barrier functions cannot directly ensure safety. In this paper, we mitigate this issue by learning the unknown dynamics using Gaussian process regression. By employing the model in a feedback linearizing control law, the safety conditions resulting from control barrier functions can be robustified to take into account model errors, while remaining feasible. In order enforce them on-line, we formulate the derived safety conditions in the form of a second-order cone program. We demonstrate our proposed approach with simulations on a two-degree of freedom planar robot with elastic joints.
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Mitotic activity is a crucial proliferation biomarker for the diagnosis and prognosis of different types of cancers. Nevertheless, mitosis counting is a cumbersome process for pathologists, prone to low reproducibility, due to the large size of augmented biopsy slides, the low density of mitotic cells, and pattern heterogeneity. To improve reproducibility, deep learning methods have been proposed in the last years using convolutional neural networks. However, these methods have been hindered by the process of data labelling, which usually solely consist of the mitosis centroids. Therefore, current literature proposes complex algorithms with multiple stages to refine the labels at pixel level, and to reduce the number of false positives. In this work, we propose to avoid complex scenarios, and we perform the localization task in a weakly supervised manner, using only image-level labels on patches. The results obtained on the publicly available TUPAC16 dataset are competitive with state-of-the-art methods, using only one training phase. Our method achieves an F1-score of 0.729 and challenges the efficiency of previous methods, which required multiple stages and strong mitosis location information.
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Given a set of points in the Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^\ell$ with $\ell>1$, the pairwise distances between the points are determined by their spatial location and the metric $d$ that we endow $\mathbb{R}^\ell$ with. Hence, the distance $d(\mathbf x,\mathbf y)=\delta$ between two points is fixed by the choice of $\mathbf x$ and $\mathbf y$ and $d$. We study the related problem of fixing the value $\delta$, and the points $\mathbf x,\mathbf y$, and ask if there is a topological metric $d$ that computes the desired distance $\delta$. We demonstrate this problem to be solvable by constructing a metric to simultaneously give desired pairwise distances between up to $O(\sqrt\ell)$ many points in $\mathbb{R}^\ell$. We then introduce the notion of an $\varepsilon$-semimetric $\tilde{d}$ to formulate our main result: for all $\varepsilon>0$, for all $m\geq 1$, for any choice of $m$ points $\mathbf y_1,\ldots,\mathbf y_m\in\mathbb{R}^\ell$, and all chosen sets of values $\{\delta_{ij}\geq 0: 1\leq i<j\leq m\}$, there exists an $\varepsilon$-semimetric $\tilde{\delta}:\mathbb{R}^\ell\times \mathbb{R}^\ell\to\mathbb{R}$ such that $\tilde{d}(\mathbf y_i,\mathbf y_j)=\delta_{ij}$, i.e., the desired distances are accomplished, irrespectively of the topology that the Euclidean or other norms would induce. We showcase our results by using them to attack unsupervised learning algorithms, specifically $k$-Means and density-based (DBSCAN) clustering algorithms. These have manifold applications in artificial intelligence, and letting them run with externally provided distance measures constructed in the way as shown here, can make clustering algorithms produce results that are pre-determined and hence malleable. This demonstrates that the results of clustering algorithms may not generally be trustworthy, unless there is a standardized and fixed prescription to use a specific distance function.
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